This was an enormously daring plan to say the least. A single stroke of bad luck-a Meditteranean storm could have laid waste to the whole thing. The plan involved moving a fleet across open seas (we would assume if it wasn't to be detected the ships could not have hugged the coastline) and risking the calamity of a Meditteranean squall. However, the mission was crowned with complete success. History has not left us details of the exact sequence of events, but we do know that Methone fell and Octavian, immediately, without any harrassment from the weather or the enemy forces, transferred the main part of his army across the Adriatic Sea, landing somewhere between the Via Egnatia and Corcyra-maybe at Panormus (modern Palermo in Albania).
The first news of Octavian and Agrippa's daring move to reach the headquarters of Antony and Cleopatra was that the enemy had taken over a small town some miles north of Actium called Toryne, the Greek word for ladle. It was a sign of the general anxiety at their headquarters at Patrae that Cleopatra made a terrible joke to try to obscure the nervousness the news provoked: "What is so terrible about Caesar Octavian having got hold of a ladle?" Once Octavian arrived at Actium he found an excellent spot, a hill that is now known as Mikhalitzi today. It was about five miles north of the channel into the Ambracian Gulf, and at 400 feet in height, it had great views all around of the surrounding areas. Right next to it in the south, there was an area that was flat enough to stage a battle, should that become necessary.
Shortly after his arrival, Octavian put his fleet in open water and offered battle, but the other side, short of men and not performing well, smartly declined to come out of safe harbor. Antony was having trouble recruiting oarsmen and keeping them. According to Plutarch, Antony was so short of men that the captain of his warships were "press-ganging travellers, muledrivers, reapers, and boys not yet of military age from the exhausted provinces of Greece."
Antony and Cleopatra came from Patrae in a few days. He moved his army from Actium to the northern peninsula. This may have been at the last part of April. He built a new camp that faced Octavian's. Antony was now ready and restless for battle. However, now Octavian was no longer so eager to fight. There was a very strong reason for this: the amazing and tireless Agrippa had captured the island of Leucas. This gave Octavian's men a safe harbor right on Antony's doorstep, and would make it terribly difficult for supply ships from Egypt to make it to Actium. This was an awful move for Antony's and Cleopatra's camp. Supplies started to run very low and Antony had to break the stranglehold.
There wasn't anything to be gained by waiting to do this, Octavian would simply become stronger because he had secure logistical support coming from Italy. Antony tried to prevent Octavian's camp from access to water by taking control of the springs in the plain beneath Mikahlitzi. He also sent another force of cavalry on a long journey around the Ambracian Gulf to establish itself above Octavian's camp and with that cut off their access to the Louros. However, once again, Lady Luck favored Octavian. His general Titus Statilius Taurus, launched a sudden counterattack and drove off Antony's men. At this juncture one of the eastern client kings deserted Antony's cause.
With the passage of time the health of Antony's men began to disintegrate. There were hardly any tides produced by the Meditteranean to wash away the garbage generated by a large army and naval fleet occupying such a crowded space. During the hot months of summer a plague of either dysentery or malaria wreaked havoc on Antony's camp. Men died and morale fell severely.
Most likely in early August, Antony led a vigorous attempt to break out by land. At the same time, Sosius commanded his fleet to sail under cover of a thick fog or mist and demolished the small enemy squadron that was blockading the exit from the straits of Actium. Most likely, the plan was for Sosius to join forces with Antony at some convenient point on the coast. Again, however, Lady Luck was on the side of Octavian and his forces. Agrippa, by pure chance, arrived in the area with the rest of his fleet and made Sosius flee back into harbor. Antony then tried another cavalry engagement-maybe by trying to cut off Octavian's water supply again-but was repelled. This led to the defection of King Amyntas of Galatia from Antony's forces with 2,000 cavalry.
The image is of a silver tetradrachm, Greco-Roman, minted in the Eastern Meditteranean c. 36 B.C. It shows both Antony on one side and Cleopatra on the other. I like using images of coinage from this period in history because the coins themselves-in certain cases-tell a huge story of what was going on at the time. I need to get caught up again with having material ready to post. It may be a week before anything is here again, but I doubt it will be that long. I wanted to give an outside time limit just in case. Thanks again to Jon, Cioara, Autumnforest and anyone who is commenting, reading or following this blog! We are coming up on a fascinating time with our story here and I am anxious to get to it and the aftermath.
love the coins... though it's kind of hard to tell with side is antony and which is cleopatra... maybe she wasn't as lovely as everybody said
and the coins are also interesting when talking of the defecting kings that left antony... sure there was a bit of cash involved there too... maybe that's the link to some of the questions from your last post... what's it some say... just follow the money! and they would then worry about the spin later... funny how that relates to the comment you left earlier on my blog as well...
thanks again for these posts... i'll keep my eyes open for your next installment.
Jon-thanks so very much for your continued interest in this story-for awhile I want to concentrate a lot more on this blog and my "writing" blog than my main blog -so i hope updates will be comparitively frequent here -especially compared to the past
ReplyDeletesorry it took so long to get your comment posted
back pain has been kicking my butt again and i was in bed all day today until 730 pm!!
that being said i just might have enough info to do another post here this eve/morn unless pain comes back or i have connection probs
i am on the max allowed dosage (without ODing haha) so i can at least move finally
all the best to you my friend and i reall enjoy your blog so much-i will try to get there this eve/morn!!
I didn't know you had other writing up online... other blogs, eh? well... that's where i'll go next...
ReplyDeletebut for sure... when you have the time and energy (and when it's not a pain in the back) keep this one going too... i love history when it told in narrative like this!
sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your back... i've had some problems with my legs and i know... it's a HUGE FUC*ing bummer
Jon-I can't tell you how much I appreciate your interest in this blog and your comment at MFM!!
ReplyDeleteagain I am sorry for actually being ignorant of the "Beowulf" part of "dragons"-i probably rely too much on Wikipedia for the "backdrop" to things I do over there sometimes-I like to give some of the things there a sense of the history of the subject -and I think I have four or five dragon myths/stories to post there (some were reported as real at the time-who knows?:-)
also another part-by the way thanks for your sympathy with my situation about back pain-but sometimes i think i overwhine -i don't mean to come off as such a "girly-man" no offense to any girls lol-even tho I kind of am one-most of the time I look at my situation in life-especially the last two and a half years which have been sheer hell in some ways-but they have also made me realize to what a large degree-enormous degree actually-that I am an incredibly fortunate person to have the love and support of my family-without them-yours truly would probably be in a shelter or on the street!
so i thank my lucky stars every night that i have the family that i have -and the few friends-online too considered in this that haven't deserted me when the going got a bit rough for me-i suppose i can sympathize with some in a way as they thought i was probably going to start asking for money and the like but i am not like that
I am also very sorry to hear about the probs with your legs and i can well imagine -especially if it is anything related to nerve damage/sciatica etcetera that it is every bit as painful as the backpain for me is!
I do like to give people who read my blogs a little info on it to not worry about me if i am offline for a bit at times -as I am just trying to deal with the pain and not dead-haha!!
I do indeed intend -if it is the will of whoever is in control of things to go all out as much as i can with this blog and my writing blog instead of so much at my favorite monsters-i am not bored with that blog-i am just going through a phase were I am much more getting into history again-and I want to work on my writing at "Beyond the Baryon Wall" but be forewarned with that one-compared to the people i know that write online such as yourself-and i even know some who have actually been published -my writing will prob seem horrendous-if you even want to check it out-there are only 9 posts there so far with actual writing of mine-eventually i want to have a fantasy series and sci fi series going on there all the time-here and there of course -with a short story series-maybe horror genre-or anything really-even stuff that could exist in our day to day world-and i will start (hopefully) the next short story series only when the current one is done-so at most have the 3 actual writing projects going on there at a time-but haven't even got much there yet at all-i just started that blog on nov 16th
so its not even a month old
but I am really really getting into this history blog now again and hope to have posts here pretty often- I probably wont be online after i sign off this am until saturday again -but i might even have another post by then-not sure though
well i don't know what the hell it is with me and being overly wordy this am-ask a simple comment and get a book report haha
I also hope to check out yours and the other people's blogs who are good at visiting my blog or blogs more often-i kind of get wrapped up in my own work now and then and forget about commenting about friends sites-so i want to get better at this -altho in many situations i don't know that my comments add much!!
all the best in the world to you and thanks again for stopping by and commenting-i hope to chat very soon!!