I am sorry to have not been following up on this blog! I was going at a pretty good clip and then-nothing. I have had a lot of problems this summer with different issues. I am even having-well knock on wood-maybe this part is over-problems with neighbors this summer and this has never happened to me before! My back is also worse and I have a lot of trouble sleeping (even without my neighbors help with noise all times of the early AM)-I do feel as if I am also making some extra excuses as a huge part of me just wishes I could hibernate in the summer here! I am planning to start up with this blog again in September (hopefully earlier) -I do not know how often articles will appear once I try to start back -but anything is better than what I have been doing. Thanks again to anyone following or who has commented on this blog! And again I am sorry for lack of articles. Like I say-I hope to be back in September with new material and am hoping for earlier than that. Best to anyone stopping by!
You get yourself in balance and how about if you just give me a # associated with them and I'll focus on quieting the neighbors remotely. Hee hee. I agree about summer--what the hell is happening this year? Jeez! It's turning August and it'll be in the 110s for the next 10 days with no rain. I knew we'd have to pay for having a really cool June. I'm hibernating too and making things for my Halloween party. I hope to start taking pictures of my props and showing them off. My son is an art/film major and he's doing a cool video effect in one of the windows of the house overlooking the "outside graveyard" that I'm constructing. It'll be a ghost pounding on the window and screaming to escape the house. Should look totally cool. The theme is "dancing in the graveyard." Hubby is in a band, so they should be playing music and I'll provide tons of atmosphere with a real heavy on the graveyard creepy atmosphere. It keeps me going through the summer to know that in mid August the pool begins to cool down from 95 to something below 90 and by September the nights are always cool. If you can record the neighbor's loudness, do so. Keep a log. If you need to, let them know they're being logged for potential future legal measures. That usually shuts them up. You can even do it anonymously through the mail if you don't want them to know it's you. I'll be wishing you cooler/quieter times. Make a happy retreat with Clementina, my friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your very kind thoughts Autumnforest!! thankfully the neighbors havent been at it in six days -knock on wood! The police officer at my condo on the morning of the 22nd told them that the next time I had to call about huge amounts of noise after midnight I was going to press "disturbing the peace" charges against them-for which both the people involved and I would have to show up before a judge for-I so wish I had done your suggestion about the log since this started!!! I may blog about exactly what has happened and will encourage anyone to do this first! if i would have done this there would be dates back to Feb I could have pointed to-because I kept on thinking prob would end all I have is May-to now
ReplyDeleteI so agree about the weather-and dammit if the air is gonna feel like "soup" why cant we get any rain out of it??!! makes me mad-and not just cause we need the rain -I guess we are gonnna break a record this year too eh?? for over 110 degree days !
I am wondering what sept and oct will bring? I know last Halloween it was 92 i think for the high-altho 92 is cool compared to this! I am even happy for days with cloud cover altho we have had precious few of those this year!
Thanks as always for dropping by Autumnforest and your nice thoughts-I wish them back to you!Please dont let me miss your son's or your hubby's stuff if they do vids or anything! I am trying to follow everyone best i can but it is harder now with my back the way it is-and I am taking a mandatory (kind of) offline day every three days to work on novel and hopefully extend puter life a bit -so i get behind on my friends work-all the best to you as always!!
may the worst be behind you (and I don't mean just your back)!
ReplyDeletei've been barely blogging lately myself, just been a busy summer, lots of family (maybe too much but so it goes), moving soon, blah blah. such is life but I do hope things come out well for you soon, i somehow feel they will.
benji-thanks so very much for stopping by and your nice thoughts!! I will try to stop by your place and say "hi" -I am not near as good as I used to be with keeping up with everyone and I know i have missed a lot you and other people have done -I also send your family best wishes and hope all is going great -if I can make it thru summer that right there will be something!! best to you as always!!