I am sorry to have not been following up on this blog! I was going at a pretty good clip and then-nothing. I have had a lot of problems this summer with different issues. I am even having-well knock on wood-maybe this part is over-problems with neighbors this summer and this has never happened to me before! My back is also worse and I have a lot of trouble sleeping (even without my neighbors help with noise all times of the early AM)-I do feel as if I am also making some extra excuses as a huge part of me just wishes I could hibernate in the summer here! I am planning to start up with this blog again in September (hopefully earlier) -I do not know how often articles will appear once I try to start back -but anything is better than what I have been doing. Thanks again to anyone following or who has commented on this blog! And again I am sorry for lack of articles. Like I say-I hope to be back in September with new material and am hoping for earlier than that. Best to anyone stopping by!